SD Associates SD Associates, LLC
Record last updated 2018/03/27 Comment on this info .Update this info
Contact Information
SD Associates, LLCContact: David Powsner, Clinical Director, CEO
Email Address:
Phone: 413-422-1227
Fax: 413-422-1079
View SD Associates Website
1 River Street Erving, MA 01344
Area Served: West
Map Location SD Associates
Who we are:
A coordinated practice of board certified behavior analysts, associate behavior analysts, and behavior specialists working in home, school and community settings.
Who we serve:- Children, youths and adults with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.
- Children and youths whose challenging behaviors interfere with learning.
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Family, Educational and Community Mental Health Staff Training
- Direct service and consultation
- Functional behavioral assessment (FBA)
- Adaptive behavior assessments
- Behavior support plan development and implementation
- Data management and analysis
- Using only evidence based practices
- Finding positive solutions to behavior challenges
- Helping individuals with disabilities build and maintain adaptive skill repertoires
- Supporting ABA skill development for family members, professionals and paraprofessionals
- Discrete and incidental teaching/learning strategies
- Pivotal skill development
- Verbal behavior
- Correspondence training
- Functional curriculum development
- Continence and other self care applications
- Community access skills
- Prevention and management of unsafe behavior
Service Types
- After School Programs
- Community Based Day Program
- Job Training
Program Type
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Education
- Vocational
Populations Served
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Autism Spectrum
- Developmental Disability
Ages Served
- Birth to 3
- 3 - 4
- 5 - 8
- 9 - 13
- 14 - 18
- 19 - 22
- 23 – 59
- 60 +
Accessibility Features
- Able to serve clients in their wheelchair
- Services at Home
- Services at School
Additional Information
- Fees: Private Insurance, Personal Funds
- Licensed By: Certified by the BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board)