ABATEC LLC – Applied Behavior Analysis: Training, Education, and Consultation
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Contact Information
ABATEC LLC - Applied Behavior Analysis: Training, Education, and ConsultationABATEC LLC - Applied Behavior Analysis: Training, Education, and Consultation
Email Address: info@abatec.org
Phone: 857-256-2508
Fax: 617-524-0406
View ABATEC LLC - Applied Behavior Analysis: Training, Education, and Consultation Website
638 Bennington St. East Boston, MA 02128
Map Location ABATEC LLC - Applied Behavior Analysis: Training, Education, and Consultation
ABATEC is a multicultural agency dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families impacted with autism or other special needs. The mission of ABATEC is to provide an effective and individualized Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) treatment tailored to the unique needs of each child/youth. We provide Applied Behavior Analysis services because ABA has been shown by empirical studies to be the most effective treatment for children with autism. ABATEC believes in providing the earliest possible intervention for children with developmental disabilities and to maximize individuals' potential in their home, school and community. Depending upon your location in Boston and surrounding areas and funding source, ABATEC has the opportunity to provide home based services. Home based intervention includes home program development targeting communication, self-help, social and behavioral areas, One on one home-based behavioral intervention therapy and parent consultation.
Populations Served
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyper Activity Disorder
- Autism Spectrum
- Behavior Disorder
- Developmental Delay Birth to 3
- Developmental Disability
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities
Ages Served
- Birth to 3
- 3 - 4
- 5 - 8
- 9 - 13
- 14 - 18
Languages Spoken
- French
- Haitian-Creole
- Portuguese
- Spanish
Accessibility Features
- Able to serve clients in their wheelchair
- Accessible Parking
- Accessible Public Transportation
- Accessible Restrooms
- Services at Home
Additional Information
- Areas of Concentration: Autism and other disabilities/syndromes, ADHD, Mood Disorder, Infant & Toddler Developmental Specialist
- Fees: Personal Funds, MassHealth
- Hours: 9 am to 8:30 pm